"Boots on the ground" year round in India!

"You are fearfully and wonderfully made. God calls you His masterpiece. God has a purpose and a plan for your life. You are chosen. You are loved. You are wanted. You are the daughter of The King." When the Unveiling team first spoke these life-changing words to a classroom full of girls in India in 2013, something amazing happened: the girl's eyes lit up with hope, tears ran down their faces, and chains were broken. It was clear that God had begun something special through Unveiling, and the girls in India heard for the first time the truth of who they are.

A couple of years after Rondi first brought an Unveiling team to India, I (Niti Moses) started attending the schools with them. Every trip since then, I've joined them and witnessed the ministry's impact on the young girls in India. But every time they left, my heart ached. Our girls were left with a longing in their hearts for more. Many of the girls asked, "Will they come back!?" The girls felt seen, heard, and loved for the very first time. These truths must be spoken to our girls often, and I felt a deep responsibility to do this. I longed to join Unveiling's team, so I specifically asked the Lord if this was His will please have Rondi ask me to join Unveiling. Months later, when Rondi came to India in July of 2023, she asked me if I would be interested in running Unveiling in India year-round. I looked at her with tears running down my cheeks and said, "That's exactly what Jonathan and I have been praying for, and I've been waiting for you to ask!" Rondi now had tears rolling down her face, and we both stood there in awe and adoration of what the Lord had done.

So, as of the beginning of October 2023, I (Niti) am officially a part of the Unveiling team! I will run Unveiling year-round in India and couldn't be more excited. The ultimate dream is to point the girls to Jesus through Unveiling and help them find their worth in Him. I can't wait to see what the Lord will do!

Rondi Pogue